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PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to change default product rating

Harry Baker March 4, 2016
Rating: 4.1/5. From 8 votes.
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If a customer gives product comment but does not rate with the stars, the product gets 3 stars out of 5 by default. We’ll show you how to change default product rating in Prestashop and set default star rating for each criterion to 5 stars.

PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to change default product rating
  1. Go to the installation root of your site, open themeXXX/modules/productcomments/productcomments.tpl file.

  2. Search for the following code:
    {if $criterions|@count > 0}
      {foreach from=$criterions item='criterion'}
    • {/foreach}
  3. Move the checked=”checked” to the value=”5″ line so that it looks as follows:

  4. After you’re done, save the changes and check the site.

That’s it! Now you know how to make default star rating for each criterion to be 5 stars.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to change default product rating
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