

WordPress 博客ging themes. How to work with “Cherry 弹出窗口” 插件

艾丽卡桑德斯 2017年2月13日
等级: 5.0/5. 从1票开始.

We are glad to present you a new guidance on how to work with “樱桃弹出窗口” WordPress 插件. It is a powerful 和 extremely useful extension, which allows you to create customizable 弹出 windows 和 manage them effectively.


Certain templates have the 插件 默认包含. In case you have it already installed, feel free to skip this section.

There are a few ways to install the 插件. You may find the most common ones listed below:

  1. The easiest way is to visit the Plugins-> Add New 在你的网站上 admin panel 和 use the 搜索 field at top right to look up the “樱桃弹出窗口” 插件. Once it’s filtered, press the 安装 button 和 don’t forget to 激活 it after the installation is completed.

  2. The alternative way to install it is to visit the 官方插件页面 和 click ‘Download’ button to save the 插件 邮政编码 存档 到您的本地计算机. Then this package to your site at the Plugins -> Add New的上传 插件 顶部按钮.

  3. You can also upload the content of the 插件的邮政编码文件到 / wp-content /插件/ 目录 在你的 FTP 激活它 Plugins -> 安装ed Plugins 在你的网站上.

你会看到 弹出窗口 在你的左边贴上标签 指示板 menu after the successful 插件’s installing 和 activation. That’s where the magic begins.


Single PopUp configuration

点击a 弹出窗口 -> 弹出窗口 label to manage an existing 弹出 or create a new one for your site. As to creating a new 弹出, it can be done easily at the 弹出窗口 -> 添加弹出 section. 每一个 弹出 可能包含一些 文本内容background 图像 分配. Let’s check the settings available:

  • 弹出 Title – you can define the title for your 弹出, it’s h和y in case you’re going to use a few 弹出s on different site pages.

  • Body – main 弹出 content goes here. 你可以使用纯文本, HTML content, shortcodes, etc.

  • 弹出设置– you can define 弹出 appearance here.

    • 一般 选项卡 允许您设置 常规弹出窗口设置,例如 布局 类型, background 颜色、不透明度等.

    • 覆盖 选项卡 允许您设置 覆盖 弹出设置,例如 覆盖 布局 类型, 覆盖 background 的颜色, 覆盖 不透明度等.

    • “打开”页面设置 选项卡 允许您设置 “打开”页面设置 that define 弹出 behavior on the ‘page open’ 事件.

    • “关闭”页面设置 选项卡 允许您设置 “关闭”页面设置 that define 弹出 behavior on the ‘page close’ 事件.

    • 最后, 高级设置 选项卡 允许您设置 弹出高级设置 – select the Popup content template file (.tmpl). That file is used for the advanced 布局 design changes, we don’t recommend that you change it.


如你所见, there’s a plenty of settings available to let you configure each 弹出 up to your needs. 但, there is also an option to define the general settings for all the 弹出s, that will be inherited by a single item.


请导航到 “樱桃弹出窗口” -> Settings section to define the general settings.

  1. 一般设置 选项卡 allows you to Enable / Disable 弹出s at once on all the pages on mobile devices 和 desktops (separately), 和 hide the 弹出s for registered customers.

  2. 打开页面设置关闭页面设置 选项卡s let you assign 弹出s that are displayed when you open or close the certain page.

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  3. 最后的, 邮件列表管理器 选项卡 provides you with an option to define MailChimp的 设置,e.g.,粘贴 MailChimp的 API 键和 MailChimp的 list ID to let you activate the ‘订阅 & 遵循“节.


Feel free to check your site after saving all the settings. Popup will show up there:


That’s all, thank you for attention. Create your perfect 弹出s 和, in case any questions remain, do not hesitate to contact us anytime!

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress 博客ging themes. How to work with “Cherry 弹出窗口” 插件

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