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Joomla 3.x. How to add module position

Ammy Brown June 2, 2015
Rating: 4.7/5. From 3 votes.
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This tutorial is going to show you how to add module position in Joomla 3.x. template.

Joomla 3.x. How to add module position

You already know how to check available module positions of the template. In this tutorial we will show you how to add new module position:

  1. Log into your Joomla admin panel. Navigate to Extensions > Template Manager > Templates > Theme#### Details and Files (where #### is a number):


    Or connect to your server using FTP or hosting Cpanel. Open /templates/theme#### folder.

  2. Edit index.php file. Open it in your admin panel or any text editor on your computer.

  3. Locate the code used for position you would like your new module position to appear after.

  4. Copy this code and paste it just after the php closing tag of the previous position. The code of your new position will look like the following:

    countModules('your_new_position_title') && $hideByView == false && $hideByEdit == false): ?>

    Replace your_new_position_title with your position name.

  5. Now locate the templateDetails.xml file and add the module position here as well. File location is the same: Extensions > Template Manager > Templates > Theme#### Details and Files (where #### is a number) in your admin panel (or /templates/theme#### folder on your server).

  6. Copy an entry of an existing position and rename it, like in the following example:


    Where your_new_position_title is your new module position.

Now log into your Joomla admin panel, navigate to Extensions > Module Manager page to add module to your new position. Click New:


Select module type. Enter module content and select your new position from Position drop down. Make sure module status is Published. Save the changes and check your site:


Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 3.x. How to add module position

Joomla Responsive Templates
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